Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My whole life I have been hitting the milestones that I should be. I hit them in a messy and disastrous way but I hit them nonetheless. At 16 I got my drivers license. At 18 I graduated high school and went away to Penn State. At 22, I graduated college and went onto graduate school. At 24 I received my masters and landed my dream job. Now, at 27 sitting in the office of what was once my dream job, as a speech therapist, I asked myself… This is what my “big” dream was? Is this it? How is it that all of a sudden my body and soul did not feel like it was on this magical path anymore? For so long, everything felt so right, right where it was supposed to be. I remember being 21/22 and just feeling like the world was at my fingertips. Anything at that time was possible. The world literally felt like my oyster. I even went to a therapist to maybe figure out this off track feeling. But that didn’t help. I am way too intuitive and deep in thought for anything that she had to say to benefit me. Maybe Facebook was right. Maybe it was marriage and kids that is throwing me off track so much.  There has to be more to life then this; a bigger sense of purpose. When I was 21 I told myself everyday, something big was going to happen to me; Something that my friends or family could never experience. But that experience, never seemed to come for me. The truth was, I wanted to open my own Water Ice business in LA since I was 18. There is that quote “It’s better to try and fail then never try at all and wonder.” Well, nine years later I still want to open my own Water Ice business. How did I end up on this safe track with health benefits and a 401K? I need a challenge, a thrill, I want to take a chance and never look back, just keep moving forward. I’m so sick of listening to rationality. I’m not a rational or decisive person. I thrive off of impulsivity and chance. I need to be that human. Life is not doing the same thing for 35 years. I cannot stand that American motto.

After traveling to Europe, I met an amazing soul who exposed me to what Southeast Asia had to offer.  Since that day, I set my mind to travel to that nation. I wanted to spread my gift of teaching and love for children. It was a difficult journey, dismissing negative comments, failure to find a program that was a match for me, and interviews after interviews. After a long search I did it. I landed my self a position as an expat in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam this summer. I leave at the beginning of June and I cannot wait for what this Journey has to bring me.

This Blog is meant for you to NAMasteWithme throughout my Journey as an expat in Vietnam and SouthEast Asia. This is not Journey to find myself, or my way. This is a Journey to continue to fall off my track; to fall off into a world that I don’t know the expected. For me the unexpected has by far, way more excitement then any life of predictability has to offer me.

NAMaste and Goodnight.

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