Monday, July 11, 2016

Ride or Die....Literally

Ride or Die
Yesterday was one of the best days and worst days of my life. I can now officially say I have experienced what ‘ride or die’ literally means. For a month I have been afraid of riding a motorbike out on the streets of saigon where motorbikes rule cars about 100 to 1. With no traffic lights, laws or violations it looks really scary coming from an outsiders perspective. For the past two weeks I have been driving  back and forth to work so I started to feel more confident about my riding skills. Yesterday a group of friends and I decided to take a day trip along the country side about an hour away from our residence. With google maps not being that great,  it ended up turning into a six hour trip. During that time I really turned into an excellent driver. I was in such bliss just riding along with my friends with the wind in my hair. I felt like I was in a  real life video game if you could imagine. Dodging trucks, getting 10 points for every idiot crossing the road that I hit, to dust and pollution in your face causing you not to see.  For the first time I didn’t have a care in the world except for the bike and the road. That was until my near death experience. “Hey pretty girl” said a driver next to me. I ignored him as I thought he would go away. “Beautiful, come with me.” I ignored him again, and increased the speed of my bike letting my friends know this man was harassing me. The next thing I know this man whips out a samurai sword that was about two feet long with an old  wooden handle. He had it raised in the air and I thought he was going to stab it right into me on the bike. My body naturally went into a state of panic. The only thing I could think to do was to speed up and get passed him. He kept following me and following me. My friends heard me screaming, realized what was happening and surrounded me with their bikes. I probably almost crashed I was going so fast but my body was in flight or fight mode. Shortly after my friends protection he went away and we stopped. I jumped off the bike, my body numb shaking and instant tears down my face. I couldn’t breath, I was hyperventilating. Never in my life have I been so scared. Of course, the instant I felt safe on that bike I had to experience an unheard off incident. People in Vietnam are so nice and kind but like all countries there are crazy people out there. So, why the best day of my life too? I really became an expert on that bike that day, looking like a natural. I got to explore the countryside of Vietnam with my housemates/brothers. I do not know what I would of done without my roommate Sinaed there to take me out of my state of panic. “At least you have a good story for your blog now, Katie.” Yes, it’s a great story now but that was such a horrible experience. The best part, I am no longer afraid of riding anywhere in this city. Nothing can come worse then that incident. I took myself on a ride today into District 1. I put google maps on in one head phone and let the lady give me directions the whole time. (Thank you Kayleigh for the tip!!) Not to brag but I am pretty proud of my recent riding skills on the motorbike after being afraid for over a month. Never give up!!


  1. Beautiful lady, we are all so thankful for your incredible friends and that you are ok to ride another day!!! Sending hugs all around!!!

  2. Thank you Annie! I am happy to be alive and well too!

  3. Wow!!! That is scary.
