Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I Lost Myself in Passion

I Lost Myself in Passion

The truth about traveling alone is that you are never truly alone at all. Several people on planes and in passing have asked me "Are you traveling by yourself?" I have to stop and hesitate for a second because I forget that I am out here as a solo traveler. I have met so many genuine and strong people traveling that so quickly turn into my people. People who look after one another and go to the police department when a person from your group goes missing after a crazy night out. You endure so much greatness, face challenges and once in a lifetime experiences with these people that friendships are instant. Within 24 hours of traveling to a new location you blink your eyes and realize you've just made a whole new group of friends. Friends that understand the new you and the level of greatness you are experiencing. I've been traveling by myself for three months now. Not one day went by out here where I ever felt by myself--besides my trip from Cambodia to Loas. I lost myself in passion over these past three months in Asia. A passion to travel, teach, see, explore, and conquer the world. If you have been keeping up with me traveling is not all fun and games. I've faced a lot of challenges that really tested my ultimate strengths as an individual. As soon as I think I have had enough I create new goals and challenges for myself. These past three days I decided that I would like to take classes to get scuba dive certified. A little island off the coast of southern Thailand, Koh Tao offers the cheapest and greatest  scuba diving certification in the world. 3.5 full days of training. You start off learning the skills in the pool on the first day and then you are trained directly in the water 40-60 feet down under. Scuba diving wasn’t anything like I would expect it to be. Being a great swimmer and a previous lifeguard I thought it would be cake. Little did I know I was about to endure a snapshot of military training. Many safety procedure measures are tested directly on the bottom of the sea. Filling up my mask with water, taking out my breathing regulator, and setting up my scuba equipment where the current is so rough you can barely stand, were some to name a few. My first day, I had a panic attack when I got to the bottom. I don’t know why but the feeling of not being able to go up when I wanted to really freaked me out. I started breathing very heavily through basically a straw. I wanted to go up so desperately but my diving master would not let me. Scuba diving is all in the mind and staying calm is key. Once I told myself that my panic attack was not going to help me I was able to talk myself out of it, calm down, and breathe normally. I was really close to giving up on this one as scuba diving made me feel so uncomfortable and stressed. I’m not a quitter though and everything is in the mind. Having friends around experiencing the same training was very helpful. We all were in this together and quitting was not an option. Scuba diving is an amazing experience. Being in one with nature in their natural habitat is something not everyone gets to do. Ascending and descending into the water so far under makes you feel like you are literally flying though space. I can  now say I am officially a certified scuba diver.

The friends that I have made through out my journey are more then just people who you meet and have conversations with. Friends you meet traveling experience extremeness together. Extremeness that makes the bonds with people you meet so strong. As I lost myself in passion for traveling I also lost myself within friendships. I will forever be grateful for the time and experience that I got to share with these extraordinary human beings. Ill never be able to explain in words or pictures everything that happened in my 3 month journey in Asia. What I do have is memories and friends of the world that will constantly understand the high of traveling. I am so grateful for every person whom I met, that shared my joy, challenges, and extreme thrill with. Six hour bike rides to monkey island, swimming in the Phi Phi islands, scuba diving in Koh Tao and watching the sun rise over Angkor Wat would not have been the same without you. Whether a day, week or months the time we captured together will always stay with me. Friends, stay strong and keep traveling. Until we cross paths again, Namaste with me my friends and SO MUCH LOVE!!<3 nbsp="" p="">

1 comment:

  1. Katie - I have always said that you are one of a kind. This reaffirms my conviction about your uniqueness. Stay just as you are and keep reaching for other dreams and adventures.
